What is Pitru Dosha?
‘Pitru’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘Ancestors’ and ‘Dosha’ means ‘fault’ or ‘defect’, so ‘Pitru Dosha’ means problems arising due to Ancestral Disrespect or Ancestral punishment. If you have Pitru Dosha in your horoscope, you must try to do remedies for ‘Pitru Dosha Nivaran’. If this Dosha is persistent in your family, then the whole family, in fact the whole clan suffer its malicious effects.
If you are not sure about Pitra Dosha in your life, then you can read our blog on Symptoms of Pitra Dosha for detailed information.
Root Cause of Pitru Dosha?
- Your unfulfilled Ancestral Duties:
- Failure to Perform Rituals as mentioned in Hindu Religion: If you have not performed important rituals or ceremonies for ancestors, then your ancestors are unhappy. These rituals are Proper Death Rites (Antim Sanskaar etc.) , Shraddh Karm (ancestral rites) or Pind Daan (offering of pindas or rice balls).
- Neglecting Ancestral Pujas: You have not observed customary religious practices or failing to honour your ancestors in regular prayers or offerings such as yearly Shraadh Karm during Pitru Paksha, yearly death ceremony etc.
- Neglecting your ancestors:
- Disrespecting or Neglecting ancestors: Ignoring or showing disrespect towards the ancestral lineage or failing to acknowledge their importance in your life. For example, you forgot to pray and thanks your ancestors during wedding ceremonies, child birth ceremonies etc.
- Inadequate Support: Not providing support or help to family members who might need it, which can indirectly reflect neglecting your family duties. For example, you are not fulfilling your family duties such as helping your family members at the time of need.
- Ancestral Curse or Unresolved Issues:
- Curses from Ancestors: Ancestors who were unhappy may leave behind curses or unresolved issues that affect their descendants. For example, you are not taking care of your parents and you are disrespecting your parents, you have deprived your parents from basic needs etc. This results in unhappiness of their soul.
- Unresolved Karmic Debt: Certain actions or decisions by your ancestors that they were not able to rectify, it creates a karmic burden that impacts all the descendants. You must rectify this ‘Pitru Debt’ by performing Pitru Dosha Nivaran Pooja.
Violation of Religious or Moral Codes
- Breaking Religious Norms: You or your family are constantly engaged in actions that are considered against religious or moral codes. Especially some practises are prohibited in your family as mentioned by your ancestors.
- Immorality: You and your family are doing actions or behaviour that are against the moral values of your family or society. This certainly impact your ancestral karma.
Negative Planetary Influences
- Planetary Positions: Certain astrological combinations or placements in the birth chart, such as afflicted planets or malefic influences also create Pitru Dosha. But again, these are the result of your Karma of neglecting your Pitru (ancestors).
- Astrological Transits: Specific planetary transits or Dasha that increases the impact of ancestral karma.
Family Conflicts, Family Disputes
- Family Feuds: Persistent conflicts or disputes within your family may lead to a disruption in the flow of positive ancestral blessings.
- Ignoring Family Traditions: You or your family are neglecting or disregarding family traditions and customs that honour ancestors.
Failure to Perform Pious Acts
- Neglecting Charity: You or your family is not engaged in charitable acts. You are not doing charity to anyone. If you are capable, then you must do charity to the needy people. You should make donations to help the less fortunate people.
- Ignoring Religious Obligations: You are failing to perform obligatory religious duties that contribute to resolving ancestral issues such as Pind Daan, Amavasya Poojan etc.
Generational Trauma or Unresolved Issues
- Inherited Emotional Trauma: If your family is carry forwarding emotional or psychological trauma from previous generations without try to resolving it.
- Unresolved Family Issues: If your family has issues that were left unresolved by previous generations. And those issues continue to impact current family members.
Improper Conduct During Ancestral Days in Pitru Paksha
- Disregarding Specific Days: You or your family is failing to observe or respecting special days dedicated to ancestors, such as Pitru Paksha (15 days period dedicated to honouring ancestors, offering food & water for ancestors, doing Charity for your ancestors).
Remedies for Pitru Dosha (Pitru Dosha Nivaran Puja)
You must try to remove Pitru Dosha from your family. The whole family (or Clan) is affected with Pitru Dosha such as family problems, job problems, infertility, Child birth issues, financial problems, legal problems etc. But do not worry. Vedic Astrology has solution to all the life problems. You can perform specific rituals and ceremonies for your ancestors to resolve any unresolved issues. We also recommend to consult an expert astrologer or your spiritual advisor. You must need personalised guidance and remedies depending on your situations.
We recommend that you must do Shraadh Karma for your ancestors during Pitru Paksha every year. Even if your family has done Pind Daan, you must perform annually Shraadh Karma.
Contact us to calculate the date of Shraadh for your ancestors.