Third Eye Meditation
The Best Meditation Center in Den Haag
Third Eye Meditation & Activation
- Third Eye Meditation is important to balance the level of concentration, imagination, perception beyond vision.
- It also clears the blockages of mind & strengthen your brain power.
- You have assets of seven Chakra’s in your body. In Third Eye Meditation, we focus on Agya (or Ajna) Chakra, located at the centre of your eye brows, also called as Pineal Gland. When activated in balanced form, Agya Chakra makes us intuitive, imaginative, makes your thoughts and vision very clear, and you will be able to see beyond physical.
Benefits of Third Eye Meditation
The following benefits of Meditation will bring positive changes in your life:
- Meditation is the saturation point of concentration.
- Meditation is important to control your brain & to harnessing the brain power in positive manner.
- Meditation is essential for all of us and it is not age specific, gender specific, religion specific, caste or creed specific.
- Meditation is essential for kids, teens, young, adults, and old-age people.
- Meditation relaxes your mind, heart & soul.
- Meditation heals your body, mind, & soul.

How are we different from others in Third Eye Meditation
What makes us different from others is that we not only teach Third Eye Meditation, we initiate and activate your Third Eye (by Pujya SiddhGuru Maharshi Keshvananda) to practice Third Eye Meditation seamlessly.
Pineal Gland or Agya Chakra is essential to perform this super beneficial meditation. You have extra-ordinary power in you, the only thing is to identify & harness your special powers to achieve peace of mind. You have Third Eye which is hidden from physical world. The only task is to learn & practice the technique of activating the magical Third Eye using the spiritual techniques by the best spiritual Guru Maharshi Keshvananda.
Third Eye Meditation Workshop
We conduct workshops & practical sessions. You can contact us to know more about Third Eye Meditation activation, meditation, & practice session.
Watch a short glimpse of Third Eye Meditation Event