
Spiritual Healing

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Spiritual Healing


Spiritual Energy means ‘to sense the energy at a spiritualist level or higher level from this material life’.
Our body has six Chakras in our body which are transformers to generate energy in our body. These Chakras sends energy to respective different parts of our body and fine-tune their functioning. Chakras should work in a balanced way in our body, the over-activated or under-activated Chakras will disrupt the complete body functioning and hence results in medical problems, mood swings, stress, de-motivation etc.

In Hindu scriptures, this energized procedure is also called ‘SHAKTI-PAAT’ that means transferring your own energy to another person to ‘balance the Chakras’ to function them properly and ‘Kundlini Awakening’. But, only a spiritual human being can only do this procedure as the transferring of energy should be done in balanced way and the energy giver know how much energy should be given to which Chakra. The spiritual energy waves emitted from a person’s body and his spiritual level, makes the Aura (a kind of spiritual energy circle) around the person’s whole body. This energy can be felt and passed on to the other person for the well-being (either for medical purpose, for increasing will-power, stress removal, etc.)

A stressed out person and an ill-person gets the most benefit of Stress Relief Energy or Spiritual Energy. If we notice, the stress level has increased almost 100 times as compared to 30-35 years ago. The important reason behind this is our stressed life-style, inflation rate, work-life imbalance, etc. Another reason behind this is our utmost dependency on the electronic medium that keeps on generating the waves which are harmful for our body.

We (@ Navnidhi Life Solutions) can help you to come out of stress with the help of Stress Relief Energy. The Stress Relief Energy is a kind of Spiritual Energy that works on Chakras and awakens a person’s Kundlini. The process is also called as ‘Kundlini Awakening‘.

In early times, students used to enjoy a lot in college days, but nowadays even a 10 year old kid is stressed out for the school curriculum, extra-curricular activities, tight schedule, growing competition etc. The students’ gets so stressed out that at one point of time they think of suicide due to the pressure on them. Sometimes, children thinks that their (as their parents’) social respect will go off if they will not secure 99% marks. We (@Navnidhi Life Solutions) can help you and your kids to come out of stress related to academics with the help of Stress Relief Energy.


Some people have stress due to their job and stress goes on nerves when it comes to the family life. In the trend of so-called Nuclear families, husband and wife stays without the elders in the family, when both are working (doing job or business), at one point of time they don’t have time for each other, it generates stress for them and spoil their relationship. We (@Navnidhi Life Solutions) can help you to come out of stress related to job and family with the help of Stress Relief Energy.

Also, when a couple gets kid, then without the elders in family, atleast one person has to take a break from the job, which somehow creates stress in the mind. Either due to money matters or due to relationships issue. We (@Navnidhi Life Solutions Ltd.) can help you to come out of stress related to family and relationship with the help of Stress Relief Energy.

Due to these factors, Divorce rate has shooted up at a huge scale. The main reason behind this is impatience, aggression, stress, low tolerance. We (@Navnidhi Life Solutions) can help you to come out of stress related to family problems with the help of Stress Relief Energy.

What Our Customers Say


Ik had eerst geen idee wie hij was, want voor mij waren het onze nieuwe buren. Het was dan in het begin alleen bij groeten. Maar elke keer bij het groeten zag hij al dat ik niet lekker in mijn vel zat en dat er heel veel gaande was in mijn leven. Dat bleek toen ze mij hadden uitgenodigd voor een kopje koffie. Mijn leven is dankzij hun en natuurlijk wat hij altijd tegen mij zegt dankzij God is veranderd. De gastvrijheid, adviezen, gebeden, voorspellingen en vooral altijd een luisterend oor dat apprecieer en waardeer ik zeker. Het is een aanrader en zeer zeker de moeite waard!!!

Janice Choenni - Office Manager, The Hague, Netherlands

Janice Choenni - Astrologer

our advice and guidance is so helpful specially when going through down phase in life. Especially, when one is out of country(home) and need genuine advise, I always rely on Panditji guidance. It gives immense "Shanti" in my mind . Your guidance brings Peace of mind and your guidance helps in bringing spiritual healing to recover my way to peace and happiness. There are many instances ,I have contacted Panditji. I will highly recommend Panditji services.Thank you so much for all your support and guidance.

Anuja  - Manager, IT Company, London, UK.

Anuja - Astrologer

Have to share my experience, it was around 18 years back when I had lost the way in my life and lost the path my great guru ji showed me the path! Been with his divine energies foe many years now and all teaching are great and humanitarian. He teaches and predict the unpredictable and exactly that happens !!love and faith for everyone.

Sachin Gupta - Music Director, Bollywood Industry, India

Sachin Gupta - Astrologer

I Know Swami Keshvananda ji for more than a decade. Before meeting him I didn’t have much belief in astrology, But this charismatic man compelled me to change my views with his almost cent percent accurate predictions. Unlike other astro practitioners he never makes big claims but his solutions  mesmerize you, specially in health related  issues. He is truly  a spiritual person who spends much time in his own  practices and self enlightenment. However he always spares time for people who are connected  to him. I firmly believe that our destiny is in the almighty’s hand, so its better to try to develop  ourselves  spiritually. For me Swami Keshvananda ji is the most appropriate  person to get help in this regard.

Rakesh Kayasth Executive Producer - Star India Pvt. Ltd.

Rakesh Kayasth - Astrologer

Can’t thank Guruji enough. My mother was suffering from covid and was in the ICU in a critical situation. Doctors were not very hopeful. Before doctors could tell us that her infection had spread in the blood, Guruji had already predicted it and it came to be true. Through Guruji’s remedies, puja and guidance, her condition started to improve. All thanks to guruji, she is now completely fine. All his predictions came to be absolutely true. He gives so much positivity and hope and listens to all your problems very patiently. He is a blessing for all of us. Thankyou so much guruji!

Research & Development Manager, New York, USA

Muskan Bhatnagar - Astrologer