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Chakras – Comprehensive Guide to unlock your energy points

What are Chakras?

Chakras are the energy points in your body that channelize the flow of energy. ‘Chakras’ is the Sanskrit word that means ‘Wheels’ or ‘disks’ that represents the regular flow of energy in your body. There are seven chakras in your body. They all play a vital role in the well-being of your body and mind. Each of them affects certain body parts and emotions. These Chakras maintains physical, emotional & spiritual well-bring. Chakras are not always open and active which arises blockages in the energy. If the Chakras are open and active, energy flow throughout the body that purifies the mind and soul. Thus, Chakra makes you feel energetic and rejuvenated. Let’s embark on a journey to explore these fascinating energy centres and understand their significance.


Types of Chakras

There are seven Chakras is our body – Mooladhaar, Swadhishthana, Manipur, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna or Agyam and Sahasrara. Each of these have their own identity, roles, affirmations, color, location in body, and the Mantra to initiate and activate their functions.

Root Chakra (MoolaDhaar)

The Root Chakra is the foundation of your physical and emotional existence. It controls your sense of security, stability, and basic survival instincts. In balanced state, it fosters feelings of safety and groundedness. On the other hand, an imbalance can lead to anxiety and fear.

  • Sanskrit Name: Mooladhaar Chakra
  • Color: Red
  • Vital Element: Earth
  • Mantra: Lam
  • Location: End of your Spine

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The Sacral Chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotions. It influences your ability to experience pleasure, form relationships, and express yourselves creatively. A balanced activation enhances our joy and passion for life.

  • Sanskrit Name: Swadhishthana
  • Location: Lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel
  • Color: Orange
  • Vital Element: Water
  • Mantra: Vam

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipur)

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the centre of you will-power, self-esteem, and confidence. It controls your ability to make decisions & assertions. When balanced, it enables us to overcome challenges with confidence and purpose.

  • Sanskrit Name: Manipur
  • Location: Upper abdomen, in the stomach area
  • Color: Yellow
  • Vital Element: Fire
  • Mantra: Ram

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, symbolizing love, compassion, and empathy. It influences your relationships, emotional well-being, and ability to give and receive love. It represents love, kindness, and affection. A balanced stage brings peace, harmony, and forgiveness. An imbalance can lead to rudeness, cold hearted behaviour, & irritation.

  • Sanskrit Name: Anahata
  • Location: Center of the chest
  • Color: Green
  • Vital Element: Air
  • Mantra: Yam

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The Throat Chakra governs communication, self-expression, and truth. It enables you to articulate your thoughts and feelings effectively. If it is in balanced state, then it promotes clear and authentic communication. An imbalance can lead to communication issues such as shyness, excessive talking etc.

  • Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
  • Location: Throat
  • Color: Blue
  • Vital Element: Ether
  • Mantra: Ham

Third Eye Chakra (Agya or Ajna)

The Third Eye Chakra is the centre of intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. It controls your ability to see beyond the physical realm and tap into your inner wisdom. It stands for understanding and visualizations, good imagination, and fantasy power. A balanced Third Eye Chakras enhances your intuition and thoughts clarity.

  • Sanskrit Name: Agya or Ajna Chakra
  • Location: Forehead, between the eyes
  • Color: Indigo
  • Vital Element: Light
  • Mantra: Om

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The Crown is your gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. It represents your connection to the divine and the universe. It stands for open and being open-minded, self-awareness, and the world around you. When it is balanced, it brings a sense of unity, bliss, and a deeper understanding of life.

  • Sanskrit Name: Sahasraar (Sahasrara)
  • Location: Top of the head
  • Color: Violet or white
  • Element: Cosmic Energy
  • Mantra: Silence

Balancing and Healing the Chakras

Maintaining balanced chakras is essential for overall well-being. Here are some practices that can help:

  • Meditation: Regular meditation helps in aligning and balancing the chakras by focusing on each chakra’s specific attributes and visualizing their associated colours. It’s also important to chant the appropriate Mantra of each Chakra by focusing on particular Chakra.
  • Yoga: Certain yoga poses are designed to activate and balance specific chakras.
  • Aromatherapy: Using essential oils that resonate with each chakra can aid in their healing.
  • Crystals: Specific crystals and gemstones are associated with each chakra and can be used for healing purposes.
  • Affirmations: Positive affirmations corresponding to each chakra’s qualities can help in balancing them.


Chakras are integral to understanding your holistic health and well-being. Being aware of Chakras and how to nurturing the chakras, you can achieve a balanced and harmonious life. Whether you are new to the concept of Chakra or looking to deepen your practice, exploring chakras offers profound insights into the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.


We have organized Third Eye Meditation, Third Eye initiation and activation workshops to help people realise their true potential. If you would like to have consultation to heal your Chakras, book you appointment now with our Contact details.

Amazing benefits of the meditation: Cure Mind, Body, & Soul

The age-old practice of meditation primarily focuses on controlling the mind to attain a state of calmness. Finding its origin in Vedic texts, the true meaning of meditation is the ‘exercise of consciousness.’

The process of meditation involves the following various techniques like: observation, concentration, introspection, guided meditation, engaging with nature, breathing techniques, practicing body movements such as yoga, and chanting mantras. It is also interesting to note that meditation is deeply connected to the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.

It is believed that, besides the universe, our body is also made up of these elements. Practicing meditation can help us achieve the ultimate state of well-being by controlling these elements, as it has a profound effect on mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Exploring the significance of meditation and the benefits it has on physical, mental and spiritual health

The significance of meditation lies in its power to transform ones thought process by redirecting it inwards. In order to acknowledge its significance, it is essential to mention regarding its effect on the mind, body and the soul.

Effect of Meditation on your Mind: Mental Health

  1. Reducing Stress: Meditation works like magic when it comes to reducing stress. Practicing controlled breathing techniques not only enhances one’s breathing but also de-stress the mind and body. This generates a very calming effect and fosters the release of negative thoughts resulting in stress by lowering the level of the stress hormone, i.e., cortisol.
  2. Improved Concentration and Focus: Meditation makes one aware of the present by engaging with the conscience. It enhances cognitive functioning and helps in the development of some skills like attention, memory, and problem solving.
  3. Emotional Well-Being: Through meditation, one practices introspection and self-reflection. It helps in gaining insight into one’s own thoughts and emotions. As a result, it aids the process of emotional regulation by maintaining emotional balance.

Effect of meditation on your body: Physical Health

  1. Relaxation: Practicing meditation makes the body feel relaxed by releasing stress and anxiety. This fosters muscle relaxation and reduces conditions leading to body pain, hypertension, and insomnia.
  2. Better Immunity System: Regularly following techniques of meditation can help boost the overall immunity system of an individual. It is a natural technique for healing the body. The strengthening of the immune system results in reducing the probability of falling prey to severe illnesses.
  3. Maintaining the Sleep Cycle: For better quality of sleep, practicing relaxation techniques can work wonders. After a stressful day, indulging in the practice of meditation can help make the body feel at rest. Proper sleep can result in enhancing the overall productivity of an individual.

Effect on your Soul: Spiritual Well-being

  1. Increased Mindfulness: Meditation makes an individual aware of the present by practicing mindfulness. It helps in making sense of the world around us as well as draws attention towards one’s inner self.
  2. Attaining a Higher Level of Consciousness: Meditation is all about the exchange of energies with the higher state of consciousness. It helps individuals transcend into the world of the divine. This celestial connection between an individual and the universe can only be experienced through meditation.
  3. Self-Reflection: The process of self-reflection entails the understanding of oneself, the mind, body, and deep inner self; ultimately, contributing to the nurturing of qualities like empathy, kindness, compassion, and love for not just oneself but also others.

Meditation – the power booster of your mind

Meditation is the powerful link that channelize our mind not to indulge in  senseless things, and utilize strength of your mind power for mankind and positive opportunities. A mind without Meditation, you will have the tendency to move towards downstream tasks that really do not use mind power, the way water flows itself downstream. This way, the mind will be move towards regression because the mind is designed to be use & to utilise its caliber. Meditation is the power booster of your mind.

Let’s see how to channelize our mind for positive opportunities. Have you ever seen a wild elephant? Okay, not in reality, but in videos, you must have seen a wild elephant. It is so powerful to harm anyone and now let’s think if you start giving training to the wild elephant, then you have the caliber to channelize the powerful energy of a wild elephant for the positive opportunities. Understood? Okay, let me elaborate with a simple example of load lifting. The trained powerful wild elephant can help in load lifting and save huge amount of our time & energy. That’s the same way your mind works. A meditating & connecting mind is like a trained elephant.

You need a forceful pull-up of water using a water pump to allow water to flow upwards. Exactly, your mind needs a pull-up force that only Meditation can give to flow upwards towards positive opportunities.

You all have natural God-gifted energy, and if you do not utilise it in positive manner, this God-gifted mind power gets wasted in degrading tasks. Meditation just works like a water lifting pump to channelize our mind power for positive opportunities.

You must ensure that mere achievement of mind power should not be the goal. You need to ensure that mind power is utilising in positive opportunities & positive outcomes &  wasted in illogical stuff.

Let me explain this important point with a very simple example of our daily life – Water (an irreplaceable factor). The steam generated during cooking the food is of almost no use to run a steam engine. You need to boil water under high pressure to run a steam engine.

Let’s think about another integral part of our life. Can you guess? The Sun. When Sun rays comes on the earth daily, it gives heat & light for our survival. But if you concentrate Sun rays using a magnifying glass, the concentrated heat energy is powerful to burn a piece of paper lying under the magnifying glass. Similarly, Heat Energy of Sun is enough can be so destructive to burn a jungle.

You need to understand that for which goal you wish to channelize your mind power – for meaningless accomplishments (which ultimately will not yield any positive outcome) or for the powerful positive energy by concentrating on a positive opportunities. Focus on your goal and start Meditating today to harness the power of your mind.


How Yoga suddenly boosts your Spirituality in life?

Yoga & Spirituality

I would like to discuss the most ancient, most needed, & most neglected (unfortunately) aspect of the modern life these days – Yoga & Spirituality. Yoga means union, to join or conjunction. What an astonishing word it is- ‘union’. When an enlightened teacher and a worthy disciple unite, the making of an Arjuna becomes inevitable. If Lord Krishna and Arjuna had not come together, we would not have faced the divine ‘Srimad Bhagwad Gita’. Had Adam and Eve not united, the world wouldn’t have faced the beginning of civilization.

When the soul meets the almighty, the enlightenment ensues. In Indian philosophy the union of Manasa, Vacha, Karmana implies that one should strive to achieve the state where one’s thoughts, speech and the actions coincide. So, transform your thoughts into words and turn your words into action. If thoughts, speech, and actions were to connect together, there would surely be a heaven on Earth.


Meditation – an ultimate source of inner exploration

Meditation is a concentration technique that transforms an imbalanced state of mind into a balanced state. Our mind often faces lots of turbulence such as sadness, sorrow, anger, revenge etc. which is harmful for one’s self and to the others also. A constantly troubled mind becomes skeptic or disturbed. After attaining this stage, a person is neither able to make right decisions (judgments) nor can interpret the things in true perspective. The ultimate solution to come out of such a chaotic & troubled situation is Meditation.

Meditation is the process of collating unorganized current of thoughts and focuses them on a meticulous goal. If we practice Meditation, meditation will free up our mind from senseless daydreaming and channelizes the energy of our mind to focus Self inner exploration.This is the same thing what a person does during ‘Saadhna’ while meditating for God. The pure aim of meditation is to calm down the mind & flush out it of its inclination, controlling the mind by averting it (our mind) from the attack of lust, grief, severe anger, disproportionate rapidity, constant tough desires for new achievement etc. It’s a famous saying that the person, who can control the mind, can surely control the world. Meditation is the efficient method for cooling down and controlling the mind.

8 successful principles of Yoga for 100% results

Yoga is beneficial to reduce stress, anxiety, joint pains, depression. It also improves your blood circulation, immunity, focus, concentration, heart-health, flexibility, beauty & lifestyle. Do you know that the ancient Yoga explains 8 principles of Yoga to get 100% results? Let’s read more about the 8 limbs of Yoga.

8 Principles of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga

Maharshi Patanjali, the great Saint of Yoga gave eight Yoga Sutras (or principles). If you follow these 8 principles of Yoga, you can attain 100% results of Yoga in your life. The 8 principles are:

  • Yama: Ethics, Restraint and Ahimsa
  • Niyama Cleanliness, Ascetism
  • Asana: Posture
  • Pranayama: Breath-control
  • Pratyahara: Sense-withdrawal
  • Dharana: Concentration
  • Dhyana: Meditation
  • Samadhi: Oneness with Supreme Power

Benefits of 8 principles of Yoga

The first five principles are for everyone to follow: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara. The rest of principles: Dharana, Dhyana, & Samadhi are for Saints & Rishi. Let’s discuss them briefly to understand more.

  • Yama refers to Ethics and Abstentions such as Satya (truth in words & thoughts), Brahmacharya (abstaining from sexual intercourse and Aparigraha or non-possessiveness).
  • Niyama refers to daily observances such as Svadhyaya, Santosha, Tapas, Pavitrata and dedication towards Supreme Power.
  • Asana refers to disciplining the mind and body by sitting in correct postures and meditating.
  • Pranayama means controlling of breath.
  • Pratyahara refers to withdrawal of senses from the external objects and concentrating on the spiritual aspects.
  • DharaNa, Dhyana and SamAdhi are the sutras more meaningful for those who have completely transformed and developed themselves spiritually.

If any worldly being manages to even follow Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara correctly with complete dedication, most of the pains and sufferings shall come to an end.

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