
How Yoga suddenly boosts your Spirituality in life?

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How Yoga suddenly boosts your Spirituality in life?

Yoga & Spirituality

I would like to discuss the most ancient, most needed, & most neglected (unfortunately) aspect of the modern life these days – Yoga & Spirituality. Yoga means union, to join or conjunction. What an astonishing word it is- ‘union’. When an enlightened teacher and a worthy disciple unite, the making of an Arjuna becomes inevitable. If Lord Krishna and Arjuna had not come together, we would not have faced the divine ‘Srimad Bhagwad Gita’. Had Adam and Eve not united, the world wouldn’t have faced the beginning of civilization.

When the soul meets the almighty, the enlightenment ensues. In Indian philosophy the union of Manasa, Vacha, Karmana implies that one should strive to achieve the state where one’s thoughts, speech and the actions coincide. So, transform your thoughts into words and turn your words into action. If thoughts, speech, and actions were to connect together, there would surely be a heaven on Earth.


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