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Bhakti Yog

What is Bhakti Yog ?

‘Bhakti’ means ‘devotion to Supreme Power’, ‘Yoga’ pronounced as ‘Yog’ and it’s Sanskrit word that means to add or join. So, Bhakti Yog (Bhakti Yoga) is a practice of devotion to attain oneness with Supreme Lord.

It is the path of purest spiritual devotion, love and surrender to Universal Lord. The ‘Deity’ is the beloved and the ‘devotee’ is the lover. In Bhakti yog, everything is the manifestation of the divine lord and everything else is meaningless. Yes, even the Ego is meaningless. When the Bhakt (devotee) is blessed by divine grace, he/she feels an undivided union with the beloved deity. It is regarded as the most direct method to merge in cosmic consciousness.

Path of Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is the path of purest spiritual devotion, love and surrender to Universal Lord. The ‘Deity’ is the beloved and the ‘devotee’ is the lover. In Bhakti yoga, everything is the manifestation of the divine lord and everything else is meaningless. Yes, even the Ego is meaningless. When the Bhakt (devotee) is blessed by divine grace, he/she feels an undivided union with the beloved deity. Bhakti Yoga is regarded as the most direct method to merge in cosmic consciousness.

Foundation of Bhakti Yog

Bhakti Yoga is based on the doctrine – Love is God and God is Love. The bhakti (devotion) experiences separation and longs to meet or even just glimpse of beloved. Nothing else attracts him, nothing else holds him or his attention, everything else is meaningless. When you will be immersed in Bhakti, even food, sexual desire, sleep, attachments, and responsibilities are all no longer important.

Importance of Bhakti Yoga

It is the most direct method & shortest way to experience the divine. All yoga and knowledge, Jnana (Gyana yoga) survive on foundation of true faith, true devotion, true Bhakti Yoga. There is nothing higher than love. It is the religion of love. To kindle the candle of love with the spark of spiritual knowledge, it is also called Yoga of Love (Yog of Love).

Knower and known, subject and object, deity and devotee all becomes One. This is the pure essence of Bhakti Yoga.

Kundali Matching – A User Guide for successful marriage

What is Kundali Matching (Ashtakoot Matching) ?

Kundali Matching or Ashtakoot Guna Matching is a crucial aspect of Vedic astrology. It is used to assess the compatibility between two person planning to get married with each other. An expert astrologer do Kundali Matching by considering their kundali (natal chart or birth chart). In Indian Vedic Astrology and Hindu religion, Kundali Matching is of great importance. This pre-wedding ritual is considered as the foundation of a successful wedding. Let’s delve seep into the world of Ashtakoot Guna Matching to understand the basis of happy wedding.

Understanding Ashtakoot Guna Matching (Kundali Matching)

There are many factors important to understand the concept of Ashtakoot Guna Matching (or Kundali matching) such as eight Aspects, total score or points, interpretation of results, and considerations to take care. It’s important to understand the results from the learned astrologer. Wedding is an important decision so you should not do Kundali Matching by yourself.

1. Ashtakoot Guna Milan

‘Ashta’ means ‘eight’ in Sanskrit and ‘koot’ means ‘aspect or basis’, ‘Guna’ means ‘quality’, and ‘Milan’ means ‘matching’ so ‘Ashtakoot Guna Milan’ means compatibility or quality matching on eight aspects. ” Ashtakoot Guna Milan involves the evaluation of eight different aspects of both partners’ natal charts (birth chart) to determine their lifelong compatibility.

2. Eight Aspects (Gunas) of Kundali Matching

There are eight important factors on which the compatibility is checked for both horoscopes. Every Aspect (Guna) matching gives certain number of points that are calculated to find total score. In short, it act as a checklist and each aspects gives a score that need to be added in next step of Kundali Matching process.

  • Varna (1 Point): It assesses the spiritual compatibility between partners based on their castes. It gives either 0 or 1 point.
  • Vashya (2 Points): This aspect measures the dominance and control in the relationship. It gives either 0, 1, or 2 points.
  • Tara (3 Points): Tara evaluates the health, well-being, and longevity of the relationship. It gives either 0, 1, 2, or 3 points.
  • Yoni (4 Points): Yoni indicates the sexual compatibility and biological compatibility between partners. It gives either 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points.
  • Graha Maitri (5 Points): It measures the intellectual and spiritual compatibility between partners. It gives from 0 to 5 points.
  • Gana (6 Points): Gana assesses the temperament and compatibility of partners based on their Nakshatra group. It gives from 0 to 6 points.
  • Bhakoot (7 Points): Bhakoot evaluates the emotional compatibility and financial stability between partners. It gives from 0 to 7 points.
  • Nadi (8 Points): Nadi assesses the genetic compatibility and health issues between partners. It represents mutual understanding between husband and wife. It is an important aspect of Kundali  Matchmaking which is not to be neglected. It forms the foundation of a good relationship. We advise not to do wedding if Nadi Dosha arises in Ashtakoot Guna Milan. It gives from 0 to 8 points.

3. Total Score in Kundali Matching (Ashtakoot guna matching)

All points received in eight aspects. Each aspect carries a certain number of points, which are added together. The maximum total score is 36. The higher the score, the better the compatibility between partners. The marriage is recommended if Ashtakoot Milan gives atleast 18 points. Sometimes, if Naadi Dosha is not arising in Kundali Matching then a marriage is recommended even if the score is less than 18 score. Only after analyzing individual horoscope, we advise wedding even on less points.

4. Interpretation of Kundali Matching

Based on the total score obtained, the compatibility between partners is interpreted. Higher scores indicate better compatibility, while lower scores may suggest challenges that need to be addressed.

The marriage may be recommended even if the score is less than 18 but Kundali Matching does not have Naadi Dosha & Mangal Dosha.

Soemtimes, the marriage may not be recommended even if the score is more than 18 but Kundali Matching have Naadi Dosha & Mangal Dosha.

5. Consideration

While Ashtakoot Guna Matching provides valuable insights into compatibility, it’s essential to consider other factors like individual planetary positions, doshas (such as Mangal Dosha), and overall chart analysis for a comprehensive assessment.

We recommend to contact an expert astrologer to do the Kundali Matching and in-depth analysis of individual horoscopes of the couple. There are several other factors associated in Matchmaking. Only an expert astrologer can suggest if the marriage is preferable or not.

Ashtakoot Guna Matching serves as a useful tool for evaluating the potential compatibility between partners and guiding decisions related to marriage and relationships in Vedic astrology.

Disclaimer: This article is an introduction to Ashtakoot Matching or Kundali Milan. This is not an exhaustive list. Vedic Astrology is extremely broad and there are several other factors like Mangal Dosha, Naadi Dosha, Pitra Dosh, Kaal Sarp Dosha that affects the decision of Ashtakoot Guna Matching.

Astrology Consultation: See how your planets do miracle?

The Astrology Consultation session usually involves several steps, which may vary depending on the astrologer’s approach, your specific focus of the session, & the type of consultation. Let’s see an overview of how an astrology consultation session works:

  1. Preparation for Astrology Consultation: Before the consultation, you would need to provide your birth date, time, and place. An astrologer might ask you specific questions or areas of focus you would like to address during the session. This information is essential for the astrologer to make your birth chart and prepare for the consultation.
  2. Making the Birth Chart: Using your birth details, the astrologer will create your birth chart, which is a blueprint of the planets at the moment of your birth. This chart serves as the foundation for the consultation and provides valuable insights into your personality, strengths, challenges, and life path.
  3. Analysis and Interpretation of your birth chart: During the consultation, the astrologer will analyze and interpret your birth chart by looking at positions of the planets, signs, houses, and aspects. An astrologer will identify key factors, patterns, and influences in your chart to offer insights into how these factors may be manifesting in your life.
  4. Discussion and Guidance: The astrologer will discuss the planetary findings with you and offer guidance, advice, and recommendations based on the analysis of your birth chart. This include insights into your personality, relationships, career, spirituality, and other areas of life, as well as strategies for navigating challenges and maximizing opportunities.
  5. Question and Answer: Depending on the format of the consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on specific areas of interest. The astrologer will provide answers and insights based on their expertise and the information available in your birth chart.
  6. Follow-Up and Integration: After the consultation, you may be provided with additional resources, recommendations, or follow-up support to help you integrate the insights gained from the session into your life. This may include suggested practices, readings, or exercises to further explore and deepen your understanding of your birth chart and astrological influences.

Overall, an astrology consultation session is a collaborative process between you and the astrologer, aimed at providing you with personalized guidance, insights, and support to help you navigate life’s challenges, unlock your true potential, and live a life aligned with the stars.

If you would like to have an astrology consultation with us to bring positive changes in your life, kindly contact us to make an appointment.



The luxurious ways to achieve Prosperity on Akshay Tritiya

What is Akshay Tritiya (Akha Teej)?

Akshay Tritiya also known as Akha Teej is a festival that celebrates new beginnings and prosperity. The significance of Akshay Tritiya lies in its meaning. The work Akshay Tritiya is taken from two sanskrit words – ‘Ashaya’ which stands for never ending or eternal and ‘Tritiya’ which is indicative of the third lunar day. As, the name suggests, it is observed on the third lunar day of the month Vaishaka which falls during the month of April or May.

The beautiful amalgamation of these two words results in creating meanings of everlasting prosperity and auspiciousness. Interestingly, the significance of Akshay Tritiya not only lies in Hindu culture but also significant to those practicing Jainism. Thus, let’s unfold together the significance of Akshay Tritiya in Hindu Culture by delving deep into the ritualistic and cultural practices of Akshay Tritiya.


Religious Importance of Akshay Tritiya

Several legends and religious underpinnings are to be known if one must understand the true meaning behind such a beautiful festival.

Let’s see what the Akshay Tritiya legends are all about:

  • The Legend of Parashurama: Lord Parashurama is the sixth avatar of Hindu God Lord Vishnu. It is said that the celebration of Akshay Tritiya marks his birth anniversary. According to this legend, Lord Parashurama was born to destroy the evil by bringing back the good. In many places around the world, this day is also celebrated as Parashurama Jayanti.

  • The beginning of Mahabharat: In another popular legend, there’s mention about how Lord Ganesha the elephant headed deity had started scripting Mahabharata on the request of Sage Bed Vyasa on this very day. Thus, this day of Akshay Tritiya is significant as it marks the origination of the auspicious Mahabharata.
  • Krishna and Sudama: It is believed that Krishna’s childhood friend Sudama had visited Dwarka on this day. The sole purpose of his visit was to ask Krishna for some financial help. Despite his need, he couldn’t ask for the favor from Lord Krishna – the king of Dwarka. Sudama only had a small bag of rice as the gift for Lord Krishna but he was hesitant to offer. Lord Krishna accepted his gift happily and blessed his friend with unlimited wealth and prosperity in return.
  • The Legend of Ganga: According to a popular religious legend, on this auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya, the holy river Ganga had descended on the Earth. Due to this, people also refer to this day as Gangavartan.
  • Jain Traditions: Jains believe that Lord Adinath had first gained enlightenment fostering new beginning for spreading his words and building a stage for his teachings. Hence, to all the people following Jainism, Akshay Tritiya is also a very auspicious day.

Ritualistic Practices and Celebration at Akshay Tritya

Every festival is all about celebrations and practicing traditional rituals. Some of the popular ways of how to celebrate Akshay Tritiya are:

  • Celebrating Akha Teej by doing Charity: On this very auspicious day, devotees are seen to engage in several charitable activities like feeding the underprivileged people, doing community welfare services, or even donating to temples. On Akshay Tritiya, donation is considered to bring blessings and prosperity to them.
  • Purchasing Gold on Akshay Tritiya: One of the most popular ways of celebrating Akshay Tritiya is to buy gold on this very day. The significance of buying gold on Akshaya Tritiya is that the Gold is symbol of wealth and success. Thus, it has become a part of the Akshaya Tritiya tradition, to purchase gold coins and gold jewelry.
  • Starting something new on Akshaya Tritiya: This day is auspicious for starting any new venture be it business or investment. According to the Hindu traditions, this day fosters growth. Thus, many individuals are seen to take this opportunity to do something new by taking a leap of faith towards hope, wealth, and success.
  • Visiting Temples on Akshaya Tritiya: As a part of the celebration, individuals seek blessings from the divine by visiting the temples. Devotees pray and perform rituals by honoring Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi as they represent wealth and prosperity. Thus, devotees engage several spiritual practices on this day. Some also are observed to offer Akshat i.e., whole grain rice covered with turmeric and kumkum to seek blessings from Lord Vishnu.
  • Celebrating festival at home: People around the world celebrate Akshay Tritiya by preparing elaborate meals and sweets. No celebration is complete without culinary delights, and this isn’t any exception. Some of these include making Samosas, Puran Poli, Kheer, Coconut Ladoo and other snacks and dessert items. Family members join in to celebrate this day together and it is a perfect occasion strengthening family ties and bonding.
  • Auspicious day for Wedding or Engagements on Akshay Tritiya: The very essence of Akha Teej lies in the fact that it is an ideal day for young individuals to formalize their relationships. Many couples choose this day for wedding to fill their wedding lives with success and love. But, match making is essential for any wedding in Hindu religion. You must contact an expert astrologer to ensure if your marriage would be successful as per your planets.

Importance in Astrology at Akshay Tritiya

Due to the alignment of the stars and planets, Akha Teej is greatly auspicious. It is believed that anything done on this day is bound to be prosperous and successful. Many Pandits or Priests consider this day to be free from any negative force or energy.

Our Conclusion

Throughout the world as devotees immerse themselves in the celebration of this auspicious occasion, they are constantly reminded of the blessing and goodwill bestowed upon them. Akshay Tritiya is not just a festival but also goes beyond its celebrations, as it stands as the beam of light, prosperity, and success. May goodwill guide us and give us enough strength to walk on the path of righteousness, abundance, and generosity.

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Untold Truth of Medical Astrology in 2024: ultimate benefits

Untold truth of Medical Astrology in 2024

Health problem diagnosis & Medical Astrology solutions in Vedic Astrology

Medical Astrology is one of the essential branch of Indian Vedic Astrology to diagnose, analyse, predict and help you in your health problems.

Did you ever notice why you are not getting relief even after taking medicine from long time? Did you ever think that your health might be getting affected from another health issue rather than for which you are taking medicine? Did you ever think that your health is going worse due to a medicine you are taking for an existing ailment?

The Indian Vedic Astrology horoscope reading & prediction can help you identify your correct health issue or the upcoming health danger.

The medicine and astrology work together for your wellness & to solve your health problems arising due to malefic effects of planets. Even doctors believe in Supreme Power as every hospital has a prayer room. You must have heard the common sentences from hospitals after a critical surgery or treatment – “We have done our best, rest is in God’s hands”. Doctors in hospitals suggests patients (especially who are critical) to contact their priest/astrologer for health issues. Even in some European countries, hospital administration asks patients if they would like to meet an astrologer or religious preacher.

In ancient India, there was the concept of ‘Ayurvedacharya’ who was an astrologer & doctor or the doctor but used to consult Astrologers while prescribing medicine or treatment. The Indian Vedic Astrology can predict if any medicine is giving you reaction, or your liver is getting affected, or your kidneys are going to be affected, or your heart is going to affected, or you are not having proper digestion, or you are having urine related problems etc.

We can help you in predicting & resolving your health issues by reading and analysing your horoscope. Certain combinations of planets and certain positioning of planets in your horoscope are the main factors for your health problems, recovery problems, future health, and much more.

Medical Astrology in Vedic Astrology Horoscope chart reading helps you to solve your health problems. The Vedic remedies helps you to overcome your health problems for happy & healthy life. The important factor is that we always suggests remedies to solve your problems. We do not create confusion and we do not scare people by telling problems. In fact, we always suggest remedies to solve your problems.

Please feel free to contact us for any queries or if you would like to have your astrology horoscope consultation.

कालसर्प दोष व्यक्ति के जीवन में ला देता उथल-पुथल, जानें इससे बचाव के उपाय और लक्षण

काल सर्प दोष क्या है ?

कई बार हम अपने जीवन में खूब मेहनत करते हैं लेकिन इसके बावजूद सफलता हाथ नहीं लगती। दरअसल, इसके पीछे का असल कारण हमारे ग्रह नक्षत्र और कुंडली में मौजूद दोष होते हैं । आमतौर पर शनि की साढ़ेसाती, शनि की ढैया, मंगल दोष और पितृ दोष के बारे में तो बहुत से लोग जानते हैं लेकिन काल सर्प दोष से अधिकतर लोग अनजान हैं। कालसर्प योग के कारण लोगों को कई प्रकार की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है, कालसर्प दोष के कारण बने बनाए काम बिगड़ने लगते हैं, ऐसे में आज हम आपको काल सर्प दोष के बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे, जिसमें लक्षण से लेकर उपाय भी जानेंगे।

कुंडली में कैसे आता है काल सर्प दोष ?

कुंडली में कालसर्प योग का निर्माण तब होता है, जब राहु और केतु 180 डिग्री पर आमने-सामने होते हैं, साथ ही बाकी 7 ग्रह इनके एक तरफ हो जाएं । वैदिक ज्योतिष में 12 प्रकार के कालसर्प योग बताए गए हैं, राशियों के आधार पर 12 लग्न होते हैं और इनके कई योगों को देखा जाए, तो इनसे मिलकर 288 प्रकार के कालसर्प योग बन सकते हैं ।

काल सर्प दोष के 6 लक्षण

  • सपने में सांप का दिखना
  • मानसिक तनाव
  • सही निर्णय न ले पाना
  • अशांत पारिवारिक माहौल
  • तनाव पूर्ण वैवाहिक जीवन
  • अत्यधिक परिश्रम के बाद भी कार्यों में मन मुताबिक सफलता न पाना
Kaal Sharp Dosh

काल सर्प दोष के 6 लक्षणों का महत्व और रहस्य

1. सपने में अकसर सांप का दिखना - हर सपने का एक मतलब होता है ठीक इसी तरह अगर आप अकसर नींद में साँपों को देखते हैं तो सावधान हो जाइये। ये सर्प दोष की ओर इशारा कर सकता है। अगर आपको सपने में सांप दिख रहा है तो एक बार ज्योतिषी से अपनी कुंडली जरूर दिखवा लें।

2. मानसिक तनाव - आजकल के भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में हर कोई मानसिक बीमारी से ग्रस्त हो चुका है, लेकिन अगर आप छोटी-छोटी बातों पर भी चिड़चिड़ापन और तनाव पूर्ण महसूस कर रहे हैं तो ये लक्षण भी सर्प दोष की ओर संकेत कर सकता है ।

3. सही निर्णय न ले पाना - कई बार चीजें स्पष्ट होने के बाद भी कालसर्प दोष से ग्रसित व्यक्ति सही फैसला नहीं ले पाता है । अगर आपके साथ भी यह लक्षण महसूस हो रहा है तो आप भी काल सर्प दोष से ग्रसित हो सकते है ।

4. अशांत पारिवारिक माहौल - 4यदि आपके परिवार में अकसर कलह होती रहती है और अशांति का माहौल है तो ये भी काल सर्प दोष के लक्षण है। ऐसे में अपनी ग्रहों की ज्योतिष गणना जरूर करवा लें।

4. अशांत पारिवारिक माहौल - 4यदि आपके परिवार में अकसर कलह होती रहती है और अशांति का माहौल है तो ये भी काल सर्प दोष के लक्षण है। ऐसे में अपनी ग्रहों की ज्योतिष गणना जरूर करवा लें।

5. तनाव पूर्ण वैवाहिक जीवन - यदि किसी घर में पति-पत्नी के बीच छोटी-मोटी बातों को लेकर लगातार झगड़े हो रहे हैं तो ऐसी स्थिति में थोड़ा ठहरकर विचार करना चाहिए कि आखिर किन कारणों से ऐसी स्थिति पैदा हो रही है। सही समय पर यदि आप ज्योतिषीय सलाह लेंगे तो आपका वैवाहिक जीवन भी खुशहाल हो सकता है।

6. मन मुताबिक सफलता न पाना - कई बार हम किसी चीज को पाने के लिए जी जान से मेहनत करते हैं लेकिन फिर भी हमें उतनी सफलता नहीं मिलती है जिसके हम काबिल हैं। अगर आपके साथ भी ऐसा ही हो रहा है तो यह काल सर्प दोष के लक्षण हो सकते हैं।

काल सर्प दोष का सरल समाधान

काल सर्प दोष आपके जीवन को उथल पुथल कर सकता है, वैसे तो इसका निवारण पौराणिक विधि से हरिद्वार में गंगा नदी के किनारे पार्थिव शिवलिंग बनाकर उन्हें अनेक प्रकार के सुगंधित पुष्पों से सजाकर षोडश उपचार पूजन, रुद्राभिषेक, यज्ञ किया जाता है। इसमें शुद्ध चाँदी के 108 जोड़ी नाग-नागिन पूजन उपरांत गंगा जी में विसर्जित किए जाते है साथ ही आवश्यक काल सर्प दोष निवारण के रत्न भी गंगा जी में विसर्जित किए जाते है । 216 महत्वपूर्ण रत्न और 216 चाँदी के नाग नागिन, और वैदिक पूजन की वस्तुएँ गंगा जी में ही अर्पित किए जाते है। यह आप इस प्रकार की पौराणिक विद्धिवत पूजा पाठ किसी आर्थिक समस्या के कारण करवाने में असमर्थ हैं तो आप निम्नलिखित उपाय भी कर सकते है, ये भी आपको मदद करेंगे:

  • भगवान शिव की प्रतिदिन पूजा और अर्चना से दूर किया जा सकता है। साथ ही शिव पंचाक्षर स्तोत्र या शिव तांडव स्तोत्र का पाठ जरूर करें।
  • शिव मंदिर में राहु काल में राहु ग्रह की पूजा करने से भी कालसर्प योग से मुक्ति मिल सकती है।
  • श्रावण (सावन) के महीने में भगवान शिव का रुद्राभिषेक विद्वान ब्राह्मण की द्वारा करवायें, इससे आपको कालसर्प दोष से छुटकारा मिल सकता है।
  • चांदी के बने नाग नागिन की विधिपूर्वक पूजा करें, फिर बहते हुए जल में प्रवाहित कर दें। परंतु ये भी विधिवत रूप से विद्वान ब्राह्मण द्वारा ही करना चाहिए।
  • भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की मोर पंख वाली मूर्ति की प्रतिदिन पूजा करें।
  • कालसर्प दोष निवारण के लिए राहु की शांति का उपाय रात में करें।
  • प्रयागराज में तर्पण और श्राद्ध कर्म करने से भी कालसर्प योग का निवारण होता है।
  • महाशिवरात्रि, नाग पंचमी, ग्रहण आदि के दिन शिवालय में नाग नागिन का चांदी या तांबे का जोड़ा अर्पित करें।
  • रुद्राक्ष की माला से महामृत्युंजय मंत्र का प्रतिदिन 108 बार जप करने से भी कालसर्प दोष को दूर किया जा सकता है ।
  • कुंडली में कालसर्प दोष को दूर करने के लिए शिवलिंग पर तांबे का एक बड़ा सर्प बनवाकर चढ़ाएं ।
  • कालसर्प दोष को दूर करने के लिए नाग की पत्थर की प्रतिमा बनवाएं और किसी शिवालय में प्राण प्रतिष्ठा करवाएं ।

काल सर्प दोष के प्रकार

किसी भी व्यक्ति की कुण्डली में 12 मुख्य प्रकार के कालसर्प दोष इस प्रकार के है:
  • अनंत कालसर्प योग
  • कुलिक कालसर्प योग
  • वासुकी कालसर्प योग
  • शंखपाल कालसर्प योग
  • पद्म कालसर्प योग
  • महापदम कालसर्प योग
  • तक्षक कालसर्प योग
  • कर्कोटक कालसर्प योग
  • शंखनाद कालसर्प योग
  • पातक कालसर्प योग
  • विषधर कालसर्प योग
  • शेषनाग कालसर्प योग
Kaal Sarp Dosha explained Vedic Astrology काल सर्प दोष

सूतक और पातक

क्या होता है हिन्दू धर्म में सूतक और पातक ?

सूतक और पातक काल के दौरान भूलकर भी न करें ये काम, जानें क्या है नियम ?

शास्त्रों में हमारे लिए कई नियम और कानून बनाए गए हैं, जिसे लोग अपना जीवन बेहतरीन बना सकते हैं। अब तो वैज्ञानिक भी शास्त्रों में छुपी बातों पर यकीन करने लगे है और इस दिशा में लगातार काम कर रहे हैं। आज हम आपको शास्त्रों के दो महत्वपूर्ण विधान सूतक और पातक के बारे में बताएंगे, जिसका पालन करना हर व्यक्ति के लिए काफी जरूरी होता है। आप सब देखते होंगे कि जब किसी घर में बच्चे का जन्म होता है तो मां और बच्चे को अलग कमरे में रखा जाता है, जहां हर किसी को नहीं जाने दिया जाता है। दरअसल, जब किसी परिवार में बच्चे का जन्म होता है तो उसे घर में सूतक लग जाता है। सूतक का यह समय पूरे दस दिन का होता है, इस दौरान परिवार के सदस्य धार्मिक गतिविधियां में भाग नहीं ले सकते हैं। साथ ही बच्चे को जन्म देने वाली स्त्री के लिए रसोईघर में जाना और दूसरा कोई काम करने की भी मनाही होती है। ऐसा तब तक रहता है जब तक की घर में हवन न हो जाए।

वहीं जब कोई परिवार में किसी सदस्य की मृत्यु हो जाती है तो उस घर में 'पातक' लग जाता है। गरुड़ पुराण के मुताबिक, परिवार में किसी सदस्य की मृत्यु होने पर लगने वाले सूतक को ' पातक' कहते हैं। इसमें परिवार के सदस्यों को उन सभी नियमों का पालन करना होता है, जो सूतक के समय किया जाता है। पातक में विद्वान ब्राह्मण को बुलाकर गरुड़ पुराण का वाचन करवाया जाता है।

सूतक और पातक

ध्यान दें कि सूतक और पातक का सिर्फ धार्मिक कर्मकांड नहीं है बल्कि इसका वैज्ञानिक महत्व भी है। जब कोई परिवार में किसी बच्चे का जन्म या किसी सदस्य की मृत्यु होती है तो वहां संक्रमण फैलने का खतरा अधिक रहता है। ऐसे में अस्पताल या शमशान या घर में नए सदस्य के आगमन, किसी सदस्य की अंतिम विदाई के बाद घर में संक्रमण का खतरा गहराने लगता है। इसलिए कई तरह की सावधानी बरती जाती है।

सूतक और पातक दोनों प्रक्रिया बीमारियों से बचने के उपाय है, जिसमें घर और शरीर की शुद्धि की जाती है। 'सूतक' और 'पातक' की अवधि समाप्त होने के बाद घर में हवन कर वातावरण को शुद्ध किया जाता है। पूजा-पाठ और हवन से हमारे घर का वातावरण ठीक हो जाता है साथ ही शुद्ध हो जाता है। हवन से हमारे घर में मौजूद सभी बैक्टेरिया भी मर जाते हैं. इसके साथ ही सूतक की समाप्ति हो जाती है। वहीं अगर सूतक के पहले घर में खाना तैयार कर लिया गया है तो उसमें तुलसी के पत्ते डालकर उसे प्रदूषित होने से बचाया जा सकता है।

सूतक पातक की अवधि क्या है?

हर वर्ग के लिए सूतक और पातक कल की अवधि है अलग

शास्त्रों के अनुसार ब्राह्मण को दस दिन का, क्षत्रिय को बारह दिन का, वैश्य को पंद्रह दिन का और शूद्र को एक महीने का सूतक लगता है लेकिन विशेष परिस्थितियों में चारों वर्णों की शुद्धि दस दिनों में ही हो जाती है। इसे शारीरिक शुद्धि कहते हैं इसके पश्चात किसी भी तरह का छुआछूत दोष नहीं रहता और त्रयोदश संस्कार के बाद पूर्ण शुद्धि हो जाती है। अतः परिवार में देवताओं की पूजा-आराधना इसके पश्चात ही की जाती है जिसमें स्थित सर्वप्रथम भगवान विष्णु की पूजा अथवा सत्य नारायण कथा का श्रवण अनिवार्य रूप से किया जाता है।

सूतक-पातक को क्यों माना जाता है ?

जन्म के अवसर पर जो नाल काटा जाता है और जन्म होने की प्रक्रिया में अन्य प्रकार की जो हिंसा होती है, उसमें लगने वाले दोष या पाप के प्रायश्चित स्वरूप सूतक माना जाता हैं। पातक का सम्बन्ध मरण के निर्मित से हुई अशुद्धि से है। मरण के अवसर पर दाह-संस्कार में इत्यादि में जो हिंसा होती है, उसमें लगने वाले दोष या पाप के प्रायश्चित स्वरूप पातक माना जाता है।

सूतक के नियम (सूतक काल में क्या करें ?)

  • सूतक और पातक की अवधि में दूसरे लोगों को छूने से बचें
  • कोई भी धार्मिक और मांगलिक कार्य न करें
  • किसी सामाजिक कामों में हिस्सा न लें
  • दूसरों के घर न जाएं और न ही बेवजह भ्रमण करें
  • सूतक काल में भूलकर भी विवाह नहीं करना चाहिए
  • भगवान की पूजा नहीं करनी चाहिए
  • सूतक काल में किसी भी तरह के मांगलिक कार्य और परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए श्रृंगार आदि करना वर्जित माना गया है।

Astonishing reasons of your life problems: Faith in Astrology behind everything

Astonishing reasons of your life problems: Faith in Astrology behind everything

Electric appliance frequently getting damaged - Planetary problems

Did you ever notice why your electronic items are frequently damaged? Did you ever find the reason behind constant water leakage problem in your house or office? You are fixing one problem area of water leakage, another water leakage starts at new place in your house. You might be thinking why I started with general home problems instead of an astrology blog. The main reason is the energy of planets affecting our life all the time. Let’s understand in better way.

Astrology behind frequent damage of electric items

As per the research of Maharshi Keshvananda, the electronic items problems due to evil effects of ‘Rahu‘ planet (actually sub-planet), & water leakage problems arise due to ‘Saturn’ planet. Indian Vedic astrology see each and every problem of life as per the planetary position in your horoscope.

Causes of frequent damage to electronics

If you are noticing frequent damage to electronic items, then at least one person in your family is having Rahu in malefic position in horoscope. This malefic position of Rahu blows up the negative effects of Rahu giving rise to damaging electronic items. It’s an alarming situation that you must do remedies to calm down Rahu. If Rahu is in malefic position, it impacts your decision making power. If you do not pacify Rahu using Vedic remedies, then you might ruin everything in your life with your wrong decision.

Solution of frequent damage to electronics

Electronic items are linked with Rahu planet. If your electronic appliances are frequently damaged, it clearly indicates the result of Rahu's effects. With the help of Indian Vedic Astrology, we can predict the upcoming problems and suggest you the remedies to solve them. This will help you to pacify Rahu to solve your life problems. Rahu is the planet that affects your decision making ability. The unfavourable Rahu provokes you to take wrong decision, and favourable Rahu helps you in taking correct decision.

Astrology behind frequent damage of water leakage items

As per the research of Maharshi Keshvananda, water leakage problems & constant water dripping from tap happens due to malefic effects of ‘Saturn’. Indian Vedic astrology see each and every problem of life as per the planetary position in your horoscope.

Causes of frequent water leakage problems in house

If you are noticing frequent water leakage in your house. or water keeps dripping from one or the other tap, then it is a clear indication that at least one person in your family is having Saturn in malefic position in horoscope.

This malefic position of Saturn creates instability in your life and lots of crests & troughs in your life. It’s an alarming situation that you must do remedies to pacify down Saturn.

Solution of frequent water leakage problems

Frequent water leakage problems are indication of malefic position of Saturn in your or your family member’s horoscope. You must do Vedic remedies to pacify Saturn planet so that your life becomes more stable.

With the help of Indian Vedic Astrology, we can predict the upcoming problems along with the remedies. This will help you to pacify Saturn to solve your life problems.

Conclusion of Astrology behind everything

Till now, we have discussed about two types of major problems, but we also cannot neglect the other basic important aspects of life such as finance, marriage, relationship, kids, education, career, health etc. Almost every one of you would have suffered from the problems related to finance, health, career, business, job, education, marriage, kids, relationship etc. The Vedic Astrology can predict and resolve the problems arising out of these areas.

I hope you liked our blog on the link between damaged electronic items & Vedic Astrology and water leakage problems & Vedic Astrology. For every small incident in your life, relationship issues, health issues, diagnosis of problem, root cause of any problem can easily be identified using the ancient concepts of India Vedic Astrology. Hence, Astrology behind everything is proven facts of Vedic Astrology.

8 successful principles of Yoga for 100% results

Yoga is beneficial to reduce stress, anxiety, joint pains, depression. It also improves your blood circulation, immunity, focus, concentration, heart-health, flexibility, beauty & lifestyle. Do you know that the ancient Yoga explains 8 principles of Yoga to get 100% results? Let’s read more about the 8 limbs of Yoga.

8 Principles of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga

Maharshi Patanjali, the great Saint of Yoga gave eight Yoga Sutras (or principles). If you follow these 8 principles of Yoga, you can attain 100% results of Yoga in your life. The 8 principles are:

  • Yama: Ethics, Restraint and Ahimsa
  • Niyama Cleanliness, Ascetism
  • Asana: Posture
  • Pranayama: Breath-control
  • Pratyahara: Sense-withdrawal
  • Dharana: Concentration
  • Dhyana: Meditation
  • Samadhi: Oneness with Supreme Power

Benefits of 8 principles of Yoga

The first five principles are for everyone to follow: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara. The rest of principles: Dharana, Dhyana, & Samadhi are for Saints & Rishi. Let’s discuss them briefly to understand more.

  • Yama refers to Ethics and Abstentions such as Satya (truth in words & thoughts), Brahmacharya (abstaining from sexual intercourse and Aparigraha or non-possessiveness).
  • Niyama refers to daily observances such as Svadhyaya, Santosha, Tapas, Pavitrata and dedication towards Supreme Power.
  • Asana refers to disciplining the mind and body by sitting in correct postures and meditating.
  • Pranayama means controlling of breath.
  • Pratyahara refers to withdrawal of senses from the external objects and concentrating on the spiritual aspects.
  • DharaNa, Dhyana and SamAdhi are the sutras more meaningful for those who have completely transformed and developed themselves spiritually.

If any worldly being manages to even follow Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara correctly with complete dedication, most of the pains and sufferings shall come to an end.

Free Astrology remedies in 2024 to sparkle your life

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Do you know that in Indian Vedic Astrology, each planet in your horoscope is associated with one of your vital family relation? Indian Vedic Astrology contain secrets of art of living to make your life happy & problem-free. In this post, you will read secret astrology remedies to solve all your problems. It will not even cost you a single penny. Yes, you read it correct. It’s free of cost. You do not need to spend any money to do these astrology remedies. But, the main requirement is you would need to throw away your ego which is the barrier of happy life.

You will be reading the secret of happy life & free remedies to pacify the malefic planets in your horoscope. The solutions are available within your home. Most people think that without money, no astrological remedy can be done. But I say that there are certain problems which cannot be rectified even by spending millions, that can be solved by performing the secret remedies mentioned below:

In Vedic Astrology, Sun is associated with Father. Sun is responsible for bringing fame, glory, wealth, & reputation in your life. The better relationship with your father, produces better Sun blessings. No matter how malefic position is Sun in your horoscope, this remedy will bring happiness in your life. But this remedy seems toughest to many people because of ego & thought of conflict with father. So, you need to overcome your ego factor & do this respectfully.

Remedy for Sun: Take bath early in the morning, touch your father’s feet respectfully to seek his blessings. If your culture & religion do not allow touching feet, then greet your father respectfully.

Sun is the core of solar system & all the planets revolve around the sun. Sun gives us energy, light, & power. Sun is the ruler of higher education, spirituality, pride, & self-esteem. So, if your father is happy & blessing you, the planet Sun starts blessing you with the good effects of planet Sun. & your life will be happy ultimately.


Moon is associated with Mother. Good relationship with your mother leads to good results of Moon in your life. Moon is a fast moving & agile planet. Moon controls our needs & desires, our actions & reactions, emotions & feelings, mood & temperament, behaviour & instincts. Moon blesses us mental power, prosperity, control of mind, concentration. If Moon is in unfavorable position, it gives mental tensions & depression. Moon can also create heart problems.

Remedy: Take bath early in the morning, touch your mother’s feet respectfully to seek her blessings. Also, take your mother’s blessings in the evening when you come back home from work.

No matter how malefic position is Moon in your horoscope, this remedy will bring happiness in your life. You will be free of mental stress, and if your mind is calm, you can concentrate on your tasks

Mercury is associated with your Daughter/sister/sister-in-law/father’s sister. Mercury gives you control of your speech (communication skills), powerful mind & memory. Respecting females is an integral part of Hindu religion. These days, people are having conflict of speech, unnecessary debates & fights even on tiny topics that ultimately spoil the personal relationships. So, strong mercury will give you communication skills, control of speech to manage your home & work in an effective way. Respect your sister, daughter, sister in law, father’s sister, do not abuse her!

Respect your daughter, sister, sister-in-law, father’s sister always. Never abuse your sister, daughter, & father’s sister. If your sister is elder than you, the touch her feet to take her blessings. Take blessings of your father’s sister also. Do not hit your daughter.

Mars - the red planet of Solar SYstem

Mars is associated with your brother/ father’s brother/ your friends. Mars brings aggression, anger. Mars represents energy, passion, perseverance, courage, strength. If you are under the influence of Mars (unfavourable position of Mars in your horoscope), you will stop respecting others.  Mars also affects your married life & relationships. Mangal Dosha is a vital check during wedding and matchmaking. It depends on which position Mars is situated in your horoscope to see its results. If you maintain good relations with your brother & friends, Mars will yield good results for you.

Promotional Offer: Get your free Mangal Dosha Report today! (worth €25), send us an email with your date of birth, place of birth, & time of birth. Follow our Instagram channel & Youtube channel.

Remedy: Maintain respectful & healthy relation with your brothers & friends. Do not snatch your brother’s share in property. Do not snatch your friends’ share.

Venus is associated with Spouse (Life Partner). Venus is an important planet of your life related to marriage & relationships. It is responsible for good life partner, wealth, splendour, fame & one of the most important aspect of our life – Luxury. Most people have money, but they cannot live a luxurious life. It’s due to Venus.

Remedy: Respect your life partner, husband & wife should respect each other. Do not argument with each other. Take care of each other. 

If a husband fights & hit her wife, then there cannot be any luxury or splendor. Same way, a wife also should not fight with husband on everything. Now a days, its a trend of replying with frustration & irritation.  जहाँ सुमति तहँ संपति नाना,  जहाँ कुमति तहाँ बिपति निदाना (Jahan sumati taha sampati nana, jaha kumati taha bipati nidana) which means Where there is knowledge, there is happiness! Where there is stupidity, there are heap of problems!

Venus in Vedic Astrology
Saturn in Astrology

Saturn in astrology is associated with your employees, & co-workers. Saturn is also an important planet in your horoscope. It brings stability in your life. Saturn blesses you with stability of money, splendor, & luxury. If your Saturn is in unfavourable condition, then you will not be stable in your life.

Remedy: Respect your employees, supervisor, and the people who work for you. Maintain a healthy relation with them & maintain their dignity.

Saturn is a slow moving planet & rewards a person as per the actions (or Karma). Saturn is Karma’s Result Giver (Karm Phal Daata). It brings out responsibilities, roles, & stability.

Jupiter is associated with Grandparents & Spiritual teacher (Guru), academics teacher, & your elders. Jupiter shows you the right path in life. Without a correct direction in your life, your life is like a ship without a sailor. Jupiter also brings wealth, knowledge, intelligence, spirituality, money, career. Jupiter has a vital role in our life to brings us happiness & a blesses life. If you would like to live a happy life, then your Jupiter can provide better results by following remedy:

Remedy: Respect your teacher, spiritual teacher, grandparents, & your elders. Touch your grand-father’s & spiritual teacher’s feet respectfully to receive their blessings for a blissful & happy life.

Jupiter planet of Solar System
Lunar Eclipse

RAHU in astrology is associated with all of your in-laws family. Rahu do not have a physical existence on its own in solar system so it is also called as a sub-planet or a shadow planet but it’s effect is considered far more than other planets. If your Rahu is in unfavorable condition, your decision will not be correct, Rahu will provoke you to take wrong decision. Sometimes, people try to make things better, but the outcome is never right. If Rahu is in favorable position in your horoscope, then it will give you political success, money, & fame.

Remedy: Maintain healthy & respectful relations with your in-laws. Respect your in-laws family.

KETU in astrology is associated with Son & Ketu also provides liberation & salvation. If you maintain good relation with your son, respect your child, never hit or abuse your son, then the sub-planet Ketu will also yield its good results. If Ketu is in favorable condition, then you can get relief from Diabetes & kidney related health problems. If Ketu is in unfavorable position in your horoscope, it can give emotional & mental stress, severe depression.

Remedy: Respect your son, never hit your son, never abuse your son.

We can advise you (as per your horoscope chart) to maintain healthy relation with everyone, maintain your dignity & other person’s respect so that your planets give you beneficial effects. This remedy is free of cost but it’s difficult to follow this remedy as our ego does not allow us to maintain good relationship with everyone.

Ketu planet in Vedic Astrology
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