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Free Weekly Horoscope 2024 - Vedic Astrology

What is Weekly Horoscope Report in Vedic Astrology ?

Weekly Horoscope for your horoscope zodiac is available at our website absolutely free. To see your horoscope every week, just keep visiting our website. Our weekly horoscope 2024 is based on Indian vedic astrology concepts. Our horoscope report for your zodiac sign will help you to take important decisions, handling your health, & to check your weekly insights. This way, you can plan ahead of the week and take wise decisions.

Our complete Horoscope Consultation helps you to solve your life problems such as solution to relationship problems, health problems, job & business problems, stress & depression problems, marriage problems, evil eye problems etc. We provide Vedic solutions & remedies to solve your problems.


There are 12 zodiac signs in astrology. Each zodiac sign is designated to the people who are born in certain dates. Click on your respective zodiac to see your weekly insights.


Be ready to read your horoscope insights. Have a wonderful week ahead!

Week 14 (01-April-2024 to 07-April-2024)

Read your weekly horoscope Report of Week 14 in 2024

Aries (21 Mar - 19 Apr)

Aries Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

This week is starting with good chances of travelling due to business reasons or leisure, but it would be beneficial for you. Initial days of this will be stress buster for Aries people in first week of April 2024. Your stress will reduce this week. Your parents will support you in first week of April 2024 that would boost and restore your confidence.

The middle days of the week seems to be bringing good news for you. You are having fair chances of promotion or transfer in the current job. You are expected to receive designation hike in your job but that would bring extra responsibilities. To get the desired job satisfaction, you must work hard to prove your talent, caliber, & abilities.

By end of the first week of April 2024, Aries people will see mixed results of their business travel and leisure travel. The hard work of Aries people will bring satisfaction to them. You will not leave any stone unturned in adding a new dimension in your deals to turn it into more profitable deals. You will have great support from your brother by end of first week of April 2024 for Aries.

Taurus (20 Apr - 20 May)

Taurus Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

For Taurus people, the first week of April 2024 wants you to be health cautious. You must start this week by taking good care of your health. If you are already facing any health problem such as back pain, headache etc. then make sure to rest, eat healthy, & drink plenty of water. Due to health issues, you might be having mood swings. If possible, then do not start anything news, please postpone it to next few days. You might face problems in finishing your important tasks so do not worry if some work are not completed. Health is priority.

The mid part of the first week of April 2024 is favourable for your parents as they will be engaged in beneficial work wise journeys and their good inclination towards religious ceremonies. You are likely to get blessings of your spiritual Guru & mentor. Like your parents, you would also be keen in meditation, spiritual activities, prayers, yoga, social activities etc. Taurus people will see significance health benefits during middle part of this week.

The concluding part of the week will be perfect for your work assignment completion. After your health boost up, you are refreshed to prove yourself at your work & at home. You will be getting support from your colleagues. Your boss is likely to be in your favour for your excellent work. The closure of this week will bring business gains.

Gemini (21 May - 21 Jun)

Gemini Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

For Gemini people, the first week of April 2024 is likely to be excellent as your relationship compatibility will be good with your spouse. Your business partners will also have better understanding with you. Conjugal bliss is your blessing this week. If you had any problems with your life partner or business partner, then this is the good time to solve your problems as your partner will be in good state of mind to understand the problems & solutions.

The middle days of the first week of April 2024 might be challenging for health and stress level but your job, work, and business will improve with your hard work. Due to health issues, you might feel frustrated at time, so you must try to meditate to control your anger. You should concentrate on your work full confidence. Try to postpone the initiation of new tasks. Your partner is likely to face health issues so take care of yourself and your spouse.

The concluding part of the first week of April 2024 for Gemini indicates the position will get better. Your leisure journey with your spouse to a beautiful hill station or any tourist attraction would rejuvenate both of you. This leisure journey will bring positivity & trust in your relationship with your partner. You will be stress free by end of this week. This week will prove beneficial for your spouse and business partner.

Cancer (22 Jun - 22 Jul)

Cancer Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Cancer people seems to be favourable strategy making in resolving problems related to your enemies, money loans, and health problems. But these plans are not likely to bring any positive change in your situation. Do not stress over your problems by making plans and execution of plans. First, try to calm your mind by meditation, resting etc. otherwise you are likely to face irreparable damages.

The mid days of the first week of April 2024 predicts that you would be putting in lot of efforts to resolve the compatibility issues with your spouse and business partners. But you might face disappointment that would led to frustration, irritation & anger. The advise for Cancer zodiac people is to focus on keeping your mind calm by doing meditation.

The remaining part of the first week of April 2024 might seems more frustrating after continuous disappointment. But the best part is that Cancer people are having good possibility of sudden financial gains that would restore your happiness and confidence. Finally, this week will end up as favourable for you to get some ray of hope regarding secret gain.

Leo (23 Jul - 22 Aug)

Leo Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Leo zodiac people is bringing planetary transit that gives an indication of unnecessary tensions related to your health, kids, and emotional relations. Do not worry about these problems as your health, kids, & partner will be rectified automatically bringing you a sigh of relief.

The mid days of the first week of April 2024 for Leo zodiac people might be troublesome for your health, immunity, and confidence. Leo zodiac might be worried about enemies, debts, or legal matters. The middle days might be little stressful for Leo zodiac people

The concluding part of the first week of April 2024 for Leo zodiac is likely to generate bright hopes of conjugal bliss. But that might not meet your high expectations. The planetary transit for Leo zodiac also indicates the ray of hope of good relationship between husband and wife. This week will end by ending the misunderstanding with your partner. So, cheer up!

Virgo (23 Aug - 22 Sep)

Virgo Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning part of the first week of April 2024 for Virgo zodiac people week seems to be auspicious for your attachment with your parents and native place, country. This week is blessing you with financial benefits. You will be beneficial with your parent’s blessings, financial benefits from your parental side.

The middle days of the first week of April 2024 for Virgo zodiac will be auspicious for earning good position in professional life and income. This would be possible because of your good luck in speculation. Virgo zodiac are expected to get support from kids that would add on spark in your emotional relations. You are likely to get benefit from your education. Overall, you are expected to feel lucky this week in terms of money, relationship, work, almost everywhere.

The remaining part of the first week of April 2024 for Virgo zodiac seems to be taking care of your health problems, repaying your debts etc. that would incur money. Your expenses might increase suddenly and you are likely to go on leisure travel with your family. But, at the same time, you will gain benefits.

Libra (23 Sep - 23 Oct)

Libra Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Libra zodiac people seems to be good for social activities that will help you to win over your enemies and to solve you legal issues simultaneously. In addition to that, these days would be highly favourable for gaining a better edge in all types of competitions in the field of education, business and job.

In the mid of the first week of April 2021, there are clear indications for Libra zodiac is that you would be getting better source of income with the support, co-operation and blessings of your parents. Leo zodiac seems to be beneficial to stay and work at native place in close association of family members. You might be spending money on the maintenance of your vehicle and maintenance of your house.

The concluding part of the first week of April 2024 for Libra zodiac indicates that you seems to be spending money on education, your kids, your speculation, entertainment methods you’re your love relation. Your health seems to be perfect throughout the week and confidence would be on peak.

Scorpio (24 Oct - 21 Nov)

Scorpio Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Scorpio zodiac indicates that you are likely be working as a highly responsible person for your family. Your expenses might increase as you will be spending lot of money on the progress of your family.

In the mid days of the first week of April 2024 for Scorpio zodiac, you would enjoy the company of your friends and relatives. You would be supporting your family members including friends, relatives and siblings. You might go on leisure travel with your friends at tourist place and you will feel rejuvenated.

The concluding part of the first week of April 2024 for Scorpio zodiac people are likely to be spending money on the health of family members, house maintenance and vehicle maintenance. Although you would be near your native place or your home country but some mental agonies will not keep you very happy. You might suffer from mood swings. We advise Scorpio zodiac people not to take up a new task this week. Avoid new journey. Keep your patience intact so that you do not become victim of unnecessary mental tensions.

Sagittarius (22 Nov - 21 Dec)

Sagittarius Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Sagittarius zodiac people are likely to be in extra pressure and stress around. Your domestic happiness would get affected and there would be lack of harmony among family members. But your confidence and working performance shall remain intact. Your will have excellent relations with your mother and spouse.

In the mid of the first week of April 2024 for Sagittarius zodiac people, you are likely to be having better financial condition leading to good peace and harmony in the family. You would be attached to your family members and everyone would be pleased with your friendly manners and politeness.

In the concluding part of the first week of April 2024 for Sagittarius zodiac people, your personal relations would be on higher satisfaction. Your social life would also be healthy. You would be more effortful in bringing changes in your social behaviour and social environment. You would also try to bring necessary reforms in the environment around you. In nutshell, your social activities would get multiplied.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan)

Capricorn Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Capricorn zodiac people is not likely to be favourable for health, happiness, confidence and patience. You might face unwanted obstacles due to which your important tasks might not fulfilled. Keep your patience intact. We advise to wait till middle of the week to take any important decision.

The middle of the first week of April 2024 for Capricorn zodiac people seems to be favourable for the restoration of your enthusiasm. You might be feeling about the back luck. But you are a strong will person and you will not leave any stone unturned to turn your bad luck in your favour. Eventually success will be all yours. Work with assertive mind and apply go-getter approach.

By end of the first week of April 2024 for Capricorn zodiac people, your practical approach in handling your social life problems will not turn futile. Rather you would emerge as a successful person in solving all issues especially by the end of this week. Your family support will be your power. The concluding part of the week is especially favourable for strengthening your family bonding. In addition to that, you will gain satisfactory level of financial gain and prosperity in your family.

Aquarius (21 Jan - 18 Feb)

Aquarius Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

The beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Aquarius zodiac people is likely to be excellent for financial gains, income increase, and consolidation of source of income with a possibility of creation of a new income source. Aquarius zodiac will have good relations with family members, children and siblings. Your health would remain average in the starting of this week.

During the middle days of the first week of April 2024 for Aquarius zodiac, you might seems to be disappointed due to the failures in accomplishing important tasks. This might affect your happiness, confidence and health. Do not lose your patience. Try to put a check on unnecessary expenses. You must control the unnecessary wandering of mind. Keep doing meditation and exercise so that the negative transit of Moon doesn’t affect you in a negative manner.

The concluding part of the first week of April 2024 for Aquarius zodiac, these days are likely to be favourable for the restoration of peace of mind, confidence and general health. The relationship with your spouse and mother would also improve at large extent.

Pisces (19 Feb - 20 Mar)

Pisces Free Weekly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

In the beginning of the first week of April 2024 for Pisces zodiac people, your professional life seems to be rewarding in terms of progress or promotion in your professional life. You are likely to have bigger financial gains. This will bring happiness for you and your family. You will have good status in society.

In the mid of the first week of April 2024 for Pisces zodiac, you would be happy with the support, co-operation and kindness of your elder siblings. In business, you might expect more financial gains. The support of your mother would also bring an increase in the inflow of money.

The concluding part of this week of April 2024 for Pisces zodiac, is not likely to be bringing more surprises with you. You might suffer from the mood swings. Your tasks might get affected due to your mood swings. Due to this, your health might get deteriorated. You must control your habit of over-expenses. Check on your increased and unnecessary expenses so you must control your expenses.

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