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Meditation – the power booster of your mind

Meditation is the powerful link that channelize our mind not to indulge in  senseless things, and utilize strength of your mind power for mankind and positive opportunities. A mind without Meditation, you will have the tendency to move towards downstream tasks that really do not use mind power, the way water flows itself downstream. This way, the mind will be move towards regression because the mind is designed to be use & to utilise its caliber. Meditation is the power booster of your mind.

Let’s see how to channelize our mind for positive opportunities. Have you ever seen a wild elephant? Okay, not in reality, but in videos, you must have seen a wild elephant. It is so powerful to harm anyone and now let’s think if you start giving training to the wild elephant, then you have the caliber to channelize the powerful energy of a wild elephant for the positive opportunities. Understood? Okay, let me elaborate with a simple example of load lifting. The trained powerful wild elephant can help in load lifting and save huge amount of our time & energy. That’s the same way your mind works. A meditating & connecting mind is like a trained elephant.

You need a forceful pull-up of water using a water pump to allow water to flow upwards. Exactly, your mind needs a pull-up force that only Meditation can give to flow upwards towards positive opportunities.

You all have natural God-gifted energy, and if you do not utilise it in positive manner, this God-gifted mind power gets wasted in degrading tasks. Meditation just works like a water lifting pump to channelize our mind power for positive opportunities.

You must ensure that mere achievement of mind power should not be the goal. You need to ensure that mind power is utilising in positive opportunities & positive outcomes &  wasted in illogical stuff.

Let me explain this important point with a very simple example of our daily life – Water (an irreplaceable factor). The steam generated during cooking the food is of almost no use to run a steam engine. You need to boil water under high pressure to run a steam engine.

Let’s think about another integral part of our life. Can you guess? The Sun. When Sun rays comes on the earth daily, it gives heat & light for our survival. But if you concentrate Sun rays using a magnifying glass, the concentrated heat energy is powerful to burn a piece of paper lying under the magnifying glass. Similarly, Heat Energy of Sun is enough can be so destructive to burn a jungle.

You need to understand that for which goal you wish to channelize your mind power – for meaningless accomplishments (which ultimately will not yield any positive outcome) or for the powerful positive energy by concentrating on a positive opportunities. Focus on your goal and start Meditating today to harness the power of your mind.


How Yoga suddenly boosts your Spirituality in life?

Yoga & Spirituality

I would like to discuss the most ancient, most needed, & most neglected (unfortunately) aspect of the modern life these days – Yoga & Spirituality. Yoga means union, to join or conjunction. What an astonishing word it is- ‘union’. When an enlightened teacher and a worthy disciple unite, the making of an Arjuna becomes inevitable. If Lord Krishna and Arjuna had not come together, we would not have faced the divine ‘Srimad Bhagwad Gita’. Had Adam and Eve not united, the world wouldn’t have faced the beginning of civilization.

When the soul meets the almighty, the enlightenment ensues. In Indian philosophy the union of Manasa, Vacha, Karmana implies that one should strive to achieve the state where one’s thoughts, speech and the actions coincide. So, transform your thoughts into words and turn your words into action. If thoughts, speech, and actions were to connect together, there would surely be a heaven on Earth.


Meditation – an ultimate source of inner exploration

Meditation is a concentration technique that transforms an imbalanced state of mind into a balanced state. Our mind often faces lots of turbulence such as sadness, sorrow, anger, revenge etc. which is harmful for one’s self and to the others also. A constantly troubled mind becomes skeptic or disturbed. After attaining this stage, a person is neither able to make right decisions (judgments) nor can interpret the things in true perspective. The ultimate solution to come out of such a chaotic & troubled situation is Meditation.

Meditation is the process of collating unorganized current of thoughts and focuses them on a meticulous goal. If we practice Meditation, meditation will free up our mind from senseless daydreaming and channelizes the energy of our mind to focus Self inner exploration.This is the same thing what a person does during ‘Saadhna’ while meditating for God. The pure aim of meditation is to calm down the mind & flush out it of its inclination, controlling the mind by averting it (our mind) from the attack of lust, grief, severe anger, disproportionate rapidity, constant tough desires for new achievement etc. It’s a famous saying that the person, who can control the mind, can surely control the world. Meditation is the efficient method for cooling down and controlling the mind.

Why should we ring temple bells?

All the Hindu people visiting temple rings the temple entry big bell and the small bells hanging in front of deities as an offering to Supreme Lord. Especially kids are fascinated by the temple bells & they want to ring every bell of the temple. When kids’ small hands cannot reach the hand, so parents help them ringing the bell by taking them in lap & high up.

As per Hindu culture, temple bells are usually made of Brass & the sound of brass bell keeps the evil powers and negative energies away from the temple, and the sound of brass bell keeps the surroundings calm.

Let’s see the scientific reasons behind ringing temple bells.

The scientific reason behind this ringing temple bells is that the sound of brass bell removes all the bad thoughts from our mind and helps us in maintaining concentration on the Lord. The shapes of the temple bells are created in such a way that it unites our right & left part of our brain. As the bell rings, a quick & continuing sound echo for seven seconds. This interval of seven seconds activates all the seven healing points of our human body.

The result of this whole process makes our brain free from all the negative thoughts, we start feeling better in a calm & peaceful environment.

The resonance of temple bells is at a higher frequency that creates the aura of divine consciousness & we feel connected to Supreme Lord.

temple-bells-sound effect

100% Proven ways to handle your anxiety attacks

What are Anxiety Attacks?

Anxiety attacks are the events of intense fear. It may have a trigger (or fear) or may occur suddenly out of the blues. Anxiety problems start building slowly. It may get worse as the stressful event approaches. The severity of anxiety attack depends on person to person. It is interrelated to the intensity of fear, capacity to handle the situation, family support etc.

What is Anxiety ?

Anxiety is the worry or fear of anything. For example, fear of an injection, fear of an exam or interview, fear of talking in public etc. Most of you may have been anxious at some point in your life. Anxiety and fear are interrelated. Hence, anxiety is your body’s automatic response to the fear. But, if you are experiencing anxiety for more than 6 months, it is an alarming time to overcome your anxiety as soon as possible.


7 symptoms of anxiety attacks

You may experience many symptoms of anxiety during the state of fear, confusion, nervousness etc. But there are 7 major common symptoms of anxiety that you should notice:

      • Sudden increase in heartbeat
      • Feeling heat in your body, some people might sweat a lot
      • Fast breathing
      • Blank mind feeling
      • Shaking or trembling hands
      • Dizziness
      • Severe Headache

How to get rid of Anxiety Attacks?

Appropriate treatment at the initial stages can help you to overcome your fear, live an anxiety free life. Vedic Astrology gives us proven strategies to relieve you from Anxiety problems. If Anxiety gets worse, it may lead to the dreadful series of Anxiety Attacks.

Vedic Spiritual Energy can help reduce your stress. Spiritual Energy removes the blockage in positive energy flow, channelize the flow of positive energy, removes the negative energy. Once your energy flow is regulated & channelized, you will start experiencing positivity and anxiety attacks will go away from your life.

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Contact us to know the details about Spiritual Energy Sessions to get rid of anxiety attacks today.

Astonishing reasons of your life problems: Faith in Astrology behind everything

Astonishing reasons of your life problems: Faith in Astrology behind everything

Electric appliance frequently getting damaged - Planetary problems

Did you ever notice why your electronic items are frequently damaged? Did you ever find the reason behind constant water leakage problem in your house or office? You are fixing one problem area of water leakage, another water leakage starts at new place in your house. You might be thinking why I started with general home problems instead of an astrology blog. The main reason is the energy of planets affecting our life all the time. Let’s understand in better way.

Astrology behind frequent damage of electric items

As per the research of Maharshi Keshvananda, the electronic items problems due to evil effects of ‘Rahu‘ planet (actually sub-planet), & water leakage problems arise due to ‘Saturn’ planet. Indian Vedic astrology see each and every problem of life as per the planetary position in your horoscope.

Causes of frequent damage to electronics

If you are noticing frequent damage to electronic items, then at least one person in your family is having Rahu in malefic position in horoscope. This malefic position of Rahu blows up the negative effects of Rahu giving rise to damaging electronic items. It’s an alarming situation that you must do remedies to calm down Rahu. If Rahu is in malefic position, it impacts your decision making power. If you do not pacify Rahu using Vedic remedies, then you might ruin everything in your life with your wrong decision.

Solution of frequent damage to electronics

Electronic items are linked with Rahu planet. If your electronic appliances are frequently damaged, it clearly indicates the result of Rahu's effects. With the help of Indian Vedic Astrology, we can predict the upcoming problems and suggest you the remedies to solve them. This will help you to pacify Rahu to solve your life problems. Rahu is the planet that affects your decision making ability. The unfavourable Rahu provokes you to take wrong decision, and favourable Rahu helps you in taking correct decision.

Astrology behind frequent damage of water leakage items

As per the research of Maharshi Keshvananda, water leakage problems & constant water dripping from tap happens due to malefic effects of ‘Saturn’. Indian Vedic astrology see each and every problem of life as per the planetary position in your horoscope.

Causes of frequent water leakage problems in house

If you are noticing frequent water leakage in your house. or water keeps dripping from one or the other tap, then it is a clear indication that at least one person in your family is having Saturn in malefic position in horoscope.

This malefic position of Saturn creates instability in your life and lots of crests & troughs in your life. It’s an alarming situation that you must do remedies to pacify down Saturn.

Solution of frequent water leakage problems

Frequent water leakage problems are indication of malefic position of Saturn in your or your family member’s horoscope. You must do Vedic remedies to pacify Saturn planet so that your life becomes more stable.

With the help of Indian Vedic Astrology, we can predict the upcoming problems along with the remedies. This will help you to pacify Saturn to solve your life problems.

Conclusion of Astrology behind everything

Till now, we have discussed about two types of major problems, but we also cannot neglect the other basic important aspects of life such as finance, marriage, relationship, kids, education, career, health etc. Almost every one of you would have suffered from the problems related to finance, health, career, business, job, education, marriage, kids, relationship etc. The Vedic Astrology can predict and resolve the problems arising out of these areas.

I hope you liked our blog on the link between damaged electronic items & Vedic Astrology and water leakage problems & Vedic Astrology. For every small incident in your life, relationship issues, health issues, diagnosis of problem, root cause of any problem can easily be identified using the ancient concepts of India Vedic Astrology. Hence, Astrology behind everything is proven facts of Vedic Astrology.

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8 successful principles of Yoga for 100% results

Yoga is beneficial to reduce stress, anxiety, joint pains, depression. It also improves your blood circulation, immunity, focus, concentration, heart-health, flexibility, beauty & lifestyle. Do you know that the ancient Yoga explains 8 principles of Yoga to get 100% results? Let’s read more about the 8 limbs of Yoga.

8 Principles of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga

Maharshi Patanjali, the great Saint of Yoga gave eight Yoga Sutras (or principles). If you follow these 8 principles of Yoga, you can attain 100% results of Yoga in your life. The 8 principles are:

  • Yama: Ethics, Restraint and Ahimsa
  • Niyama Cleanliness, Ascetism
  • Asana: Posture
  • Pranayama: Breath-control
  • Pratyahara: Sense-withdrawal
  • Dharana: Concentration
  • Dhyana: Meditation
  • Samadhi: Oneness with Supreme Power

Benefits of 8 principles of Yoga

The first five principles are for everyone to follow: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara. The rest of principles: Dharana, Dhyana, & Samadhi are for Saints & Rishi. Let’s discuss them briefly to understand more.

  • Yama refers to Ethics and Abstentions such as Satya (truth in words & thoughts), Brahmacharya (abstaining from sexual intercourse and Aparigraha or non-possessiveness).
  • Niyama refers to daily observances such as Svadhyaya, Santosha, Tapas, Pavitrata and dedication towards Supreme Power.
  • Asana refers to disciplining the mind and body by sitting in correct postures and meditating.
  • Pranayama means controlling of breath.
  • Pratyahara refers to withdrawal of senses from the external objects and concentrating on the spiritual aspects.
  • DharaNa, Dhyana and SamAdhi are the sutras more meaningful for those who have completely transformed and developed themselves spiritually.

If any worldly being manages to even follow Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara correctly with complete dedication, most of the pains and sufferings shall come to an end.

Did you know astonishing faith of doing Namaste ?

Did you know astonishing faith of doing Namaste ?

Scientific reasons of joining hands in Namastey

I would like to tell you the scientific reason behind our greatest Hindu rituals of joining hands while doing Namaste. It would be really helpful for our youth generations.

Let us see one of the most important & commonly followed traditions. Have you ever thought why should we join our hands while saying Namastey?

Cultural reason of Namaste

Firstly, joining hands during Namastey and bowing your head a bit down signifies you are respecting the person while greeting. It also has a positive impact on the other person that you are respectful.

Why we join hands while saying Namastey?

Scientific reason of Namaste

The scientific reason behind this ritual is very interesting.

Firstly, while doing gesture of namastey, the tips of our fingers bears all the pressure points of our mind, eyes, and ears. When we join our palms together, the tips of the subsequent fingers join together. This activates all the pressure point at once that helps us remember the person for long time.

Secondly, there is no physical contact while greeting the person that avoid any transfer of germs. It will prevent the spread of contagious disease.

Proven facts of Namastey

During pandemic of COVID-19, everyone in the world appreciated the culture of Namastey to avoid the spread of germs.

Religious facts of Namaste

Our Hindu religion and culture is ancient on this earth. Even western countries praise  the best practices of Hinduism. You should be proud of your religion, tradition, & culture.

In the atmosphere of fear & uncertainty of Corona (COVID-19), whole humanity had accepted ‘Namastey’ over ‘hand-shake’ & ‘hug’ to greet another person.

Feel proud to follow your traditions with proud now when you know the scientific reason behind Hindu religion.


Why we should not sleep with Head pointing to North?

You must have often heard from your elders that you should not sleep in North direction, that means head pointing towards north direction as it is the house place of Souls & Ghosts.

But we always strive for the logical & scientific reasoning behind a tradition or culture. Let’s see the answer of ‘Why’?

The scientific reason behind this culture is that the planet Earth is having a Giant Magnet which has a gigantic magnetic field, and our human body has its own magnetic field. So, when you sleep in north direction, the magnetic field of your body become completely asymmetrical to the Earth’s magnetic field, which in turn creates more pressure on your heart to overcome this asymmetry of Magnetic fields, hence resulting in blood pressure diseases and heart disease. This pressure drains energy from your body.

Another scientific reason is that our blood consists of huge amount of iron in it. And if we sleep in north direction, the iron from the whole body starts assembling in brain, due to which a person starts having headache, and it may get worsen to critical diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease etc.

Magnetic Field of Earth

Free Astrology remedies in 2024 to sparkle your life

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Do you know that in Indian Vedic Astrology, each planet in your horoscope is associated with one of your vital family relation? Indian Vedic Astrology contain secrets of art of living to make your life happy & problem-free. In this post, you will read secret astrology remedies to solve all your problems. It will not even cost you a single penny. Yes, you read it correct. It’s free of cost. You do not need to spend any money to do these astrology remedies. But, the main requirement is you would need to throw away your ego which is the barrier of happy life.

You will be reading the secret of happy life & free remedies to pacify the malefic planets in your horoscope. The solutions are available within your home. Most people think that without money, no astrological remedy can be done. But I say that there are certain problems which cannot be rectified even by spending millions, that can be solved by performing the secret remedies mentioned below:

In Vedic Astrology, Sun is associated with Father. Sun is responsible for bringing fame, glory, wealth, & reputation in your life. The better relationship with your father, produces better Sun blessings. No matter how malefic position is Sun in your horoscope, this remedy will bring happiness in your life. But this remedy seems toughest to many people because of ego & thought of conflict with father. So, you need to overcome your ego factor & do this respectfully.

Remedy for Sun: Take bath early in the morning, touch your father’s feet respectfully to seek his blessings. If your culture & religion do not allow touching feet, then greet your father respectfully.

Sun is the core of solar system & all the planets revolve around the sun. Sun gives us energy, light, & power. Sun is the ruler of higher education, spirituality, pride, & self-esteem. So, if your father is happy & blessing you, the planet Sun starts blessing you with the good effects of planet Sun. & your life will be happy ultimately.


Moon is associated with Mother. Good relationship with your mother leads to good results of Moon in your life. Moon is a fast moving & agile planet. Moon controls our needs & desires, our actions & reactions, emotions & feelings, mood & temperament, behaviour & instincts. Moon blesses us mental power, prosperity, control of mind, concentration. If Moon is in unfavorable position, it gives mental tensions & depression. Moon can also create heart problems.

Remedy: Take bath early in the morning, touch your mother’s feet respectfully to seek her blessings. Also, take your mother’s blessings in the evening when you come back home from work.

No matter how malefic position is Moon in your horoscope, this remedy will bring happiness in your life. You will be free of mental stress, and if your mind is calm, you can concentrate on your tasks

Mercury is associated with your Daughter/sister/sister-in-law/father’s sister. Mercury gives you control of your speech (communication skills), powerful mind & memory. Respecting females is an integral part of Hindu religion. These days, people are having conflict of speech, unnecessary debates & fights even on tiny topics that ultimately spoil the personal relationships. So, strong mercury will give you communication skills, control of speech to manage your home & work in an effective way. Respect your sister, daughter, sister in law, father’s sister, do not abuse her!

Respect your daughter, sister, sister-in-law, father’s sister always. Never abuse your sister, daughter, & father’s sister. If your sister is elder than you, the touch her feet to take her blessings. Take blessings of your father’s sister also. Do not hit your daughter.

Mars - the red planet of Solar SYstem

Mars is associated with your brother/ father’s brother/ your friends. Mars brings aggression, anger. Mars represents energy, passion, perseverance, courage, strength. If you are under the influence of Mars (unfavourable position of Mars in your horoscope), you will stop respecting others.  Mars also affects your married life & relationships. Mangal Dosha is a vital check during wedding and matchmaking. It depends on which position Mars is situated in your horoscope to see its results. If you maintain good relations with your brother & friends, Mars will yield good results for you.

Promotional Offer: Get your free Mangal Dosha Report today! (worth €25), send us an email with your date of birth, place of birth, & time of birth. Follow our Instagram channel & Youtube channel.

Remedy: Maintain respectful & healthy relation with your brothers & friends. Do not snatch your brother’s share in property. Do not snatch your friends’ share.

Venus is associated with Spouse (Life Partner). Venus is an important planet of your life related to marriage & relationships. It is responsible for good life partner, wealth, splendour, fame & one of the most important aspect of our life – Luxury. Most people have money, but they cannot live a luxurious life. It’s due to Venus.

Remedy: Respect your life partner, husband & wife should respect each other. Do not argument with each other. Take care of each other. 

If a husband fights & hit her wife, then there cannot be any luxury or splendor. Same way, a wife also should not fight with husband on everything. Now a days, its a trend of replying with frustration & irritation.  जहाँ सुमति तहँ संपति नाना,  जहाँ कुमति तहाँ बिपति निदाना (Jahan sumati taha sampati nana, jaha kumati taha bipati nidana) which means Where there is knowledge, there is happiness! Where there is stupidity, there are heap of problems!

Venus in Vedic Astrology
Saturn in Astrology

Saturn in astrology is associated with your employees, & co-workers. Saturn is also an important planet in your horoscope. It brings stability in your life. Saturn blesses you with stability of money, splendor, & luxury. If your Saturn is in unfavourable condition, then you will not be stable in your life.

Remedy: Respect your employees, supervisor, and the people who work for you. Maintain a healthy relation with them & maintain their dignity.

Saturn is a slow moving planet & rewards a person as per the actions (or Karma). Saturn is Karma’s Result Giver (Karm Phal Daata). It brings out responsibilities, roles, & stability.

Jupiter is associated with Grandparents & Spiritual teacher (Guru), academics teacher, & your elders. Jupiter shows you the right path in life. Without a correct direction in your life, your life is like a ship without a sailor. Jupiter also brings wealth, knowledge, intelligence, spirituality, money, career. Jupiter has a vital role in our life to brings us happiness & a blesses life. If you would like to live a happy life, then your Jupiter can provide better results by following remedy:

Remedy: Respect your teacher, spiritual teacher, grandparents, & your elders. Touch your grand-father’s & spiritual teacher’s feet respectfully to receive their blessings for a blissful & happy life.

Jupiter planet of Solar System
Lunar Eclipse

RAHU in astrology is associated with all of your in-laws family. Rahu do not have a physical existence on its own in solar system so it is also called as a sub-planet or a shadow planet but it’s effect is considered far more than other planets. If your Rahu is in unfavorable condition, your decision will not be correct, Rahu will provoke you to take wrong decision. Sometimes, people try to make things better, but the outcome is never right. If Rahu is in favorable position in your horoscope, then it will give you political success, money, & fame.

Remedy: Maintain healthy & respectful relations with your in-laws. Respect your in-laws family.

KETU in astrology is associated with Son & Ketu also provides liberation & salvation. If you maintain good relation with your son, respect your child, never hit or abuse your son, then the sub-planet Ketu will also yield its good results. If Ketu is in favorable condition, then you can get relief from Diabetes & kidney related health problems. If Ketu is in unfavorable position in your horoscope, it can give emotional & mental stress, severe depression.

Remedy: Respect your son, never hit your son, never abuse your son.

We can advise you (as per your horoscope chart) to maintain healthy relation with everyone, maintain your dignity & other person’s respect so that your planets give you beneficial effects. This remedy is free of cost but it’s difficult to follow this remedy as our ego does not allow us to maintain good relationship with everyone.

Ketu planet in Vedic Astrology